Reviews for Spiritual Healing for Today, Tomorrow & Beyond

Spiritual Healing for Today, Tomorrow & Beyond

The Preeminent Guide to Spiritual Healing

Michael G.

Don Mardak has written a masterpiece in “Spiritual Healing For Today, Tomorrow And Beyond.”

Anyone who is studying metaphysical and mystical healing should begin their journey with this wonderful, practical guide-book, written by a master. It is to mystical healing, as taught by Joel S.Goldsmith in his Infinite Way, what “Your Mind Can Heal You” by Frederick Bailes, is to Science Of Mind, metaphysical healing. It is a classic, a must read for all metaphysical healing practitioners.

Like Joel, (and myself) Mardak began his spiritual healing journey via Christian Science, and then transcended Mrs Eddy’s religion to the limitless, concept and dogma-free expansiveness of the Infinite Way- where one finds fulfillment of life- healing et al,- by practicing the conscious awareness of the Presence Of God- the Christ- Mind. This yields the jewel of The Infinite Way- a life lived by Grace.

Thank you Don, for sharing this blessed, life-changing wisdom.